Have you ever heard someones insecurity and felt like slapping them? Because in your eyes they are perfect, gorgeous or handsome. I always wish that people could see themselves through my eyes, maybe just maybe they would think differently. But just as the rest of the world has insecurities, I have mine. My top insecurity lately? My arms. Such a small thing to be worried about. After high school I weighed the most I had ever been, life's circumstances caused me to not take care of myself. After getting sick and losing over 12 pounds in a couple weeks I was skinny again. I remember when Derek and I first dated he even made a comment of how skinny I was. And guess what? Hearing that didn't make me happy either. Derek lifts 6 days a week and when we started dating that became normal for me as well. With all the lifting especially lately my arms have gotten bigger, which I'm super excited about! But they are no where near where I want them, to me they are in the awkward stage of getting bigger but not defined. So in my eyes they simply look fat. I never wear tank tops and when I do I'm at the gym and I'm always holding my arms. Its never want I wanted to be insecure about but it just so happened it became my biggest one. So when I saw this shirt I just knew that I had to get it. Society lately tells us we have to be skinny, wear tons of makeup, get plastic surgery and always have our hair done to be beautiful. Well I think thats a bunch of bogus. I may not be in love with my arms just yet, but I am in love with how far I have come. I have worked so hard and instead of getting down on myself, I need to be proud. It is so much better to love yourself and everything you have to offer. It doesn't matter what size, what shape or what race you are. Each character about us individually is special and we need to fall in love with that. I wanted to write this post because I know what it feels like to have these insecurities and look at others and wish we were them or could have what they have. But we truly never know what others might be experiencing or going through. But I wanted to say no matter who you are or where you are from, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Inside and out. We need to start looking in the mirror and not bashing what we hate, but praising what we love. Life is too short to worry about such tiny things, we need to be out their loving and enjoying our days. I hope that when you look at yourself you feel love and acceptance because you are enough. I love you all! xoxo